As we all aware of the hydroponic benefits and how it is useful for an environment. It’s a vital source of vegetation in abundant areas which are deprived of proper growing conditions like soil, water, light, and nutrients. You can plan out artificial environment with desirable growing condition and grow food crops for living. Hydroponics can be started as a hobby or for commercial purpose. Hydroponic gardening can change your life and same happen with teenagers from Swaziland who with their efforts and hydroponics, provided food to their small country called Swaziland which is surrounded by South Africa. Two teenagers 14 years old Shongwe and Bonkhe Mahlalela, won $50,000 for their projects which explores convenient way of providing hydroponic system to poor farmers, allowing them to sustain and grow crops in large amount and in restricted space available without using soil.
The teenagers developed a new hydroponic technique called USHM - Unique Simplified Hydroponics Method that will help you grow vegetables using wastes and organic material as a growing media and waste box as the containers. Hydroponics technique is the method of growing plants in growing medium other than soil such as sand, waste, gravel and other organic materials with added nutrients. Using hydroponic growing system can change your life and gives you a new way of growing plants and vegetables.
In an experiment, they compared ecological hydro system with soil farming and found that hydro gave 32 percent increase in produce, 180 percent quicker plant development and 114 percent big profit margin. Hydroponic growing needs water nutrients to feed plants, eliminating soil use. You can use hydroponic system that reuses water and more effective than irrigation. The hydroponic growing uses hydro system that depends on pumps, nutrients and materials which are sometimes expensive. Before you start with hydroponic gardening, let us talk about the pros and cons of hydroponics.
You do not require soil in hydroponics. Hence, it is an efficient technique for places where there is insufficiency of agricultural land. Using hydroponics, plants can be cultivated anywhere. For instance, veggies can be produced on a terrace, window sill or in a fish tank. In countries like Japan and Canada, veggie is grown in supermarket itself and provides fresh produces to the buyers. This helps to save money on transportation and decreases carbon usage. In hydroponic, there is no need of soil tilling, farmland irrigation, fumigation, and fertilizers. This means less effort and hence labor cost is cut. Hydroponic systems use recycled nutrients and thus nutrients and water is required less as compared to traditional farming. This can reduce pollution of stream and land. Hydroponics works on complete regulated system that provides better control over plant development. Unlike traditional farming where you can’t control the pH level, humidity, growing environment and chemicals. Hydroponic grower can decide the temperature, pH and nutrient level, humidity of the system and thus you can grow plants in a perfect environment.
The cost of setting up the hydroponic system is expensive. It involves a big investment to start with hydroponics. Hydroponic beginners require appropriate guidance and training from an expert who has understanding of plant nutrition and system build up. A failure in a system can cause big financial loss. Hydroponic plants are very sensitive to environment changes. If your plants have deficiencies, it appears on a plant immediately. All the seedlings in the hydro system share the same water nutrient mix, there are chances of disease and pest plague.