Monday, June 24, 2013

Easy Tips And Tricks For Indoor Plant Care

Do you want to add booming beauties in your life? If yes, then houseplant is the best option available. Houseplants will brighten space and freshen up your life. Indoor plants make your space more lively, purify the air and improve your health. One simple rule to make your houseplant flourish for years is to make them comfortable in your dwell as they might be in their natural habitat. Most gardeners find peppers and tomatoes easier to grow as compared to indoor plants as one day your houseplant seems good while the other day it might get infected with pests and disease. It’s not difficult to keep indoor plants healthy; you just need to pay attention to their needs.  Here are few important guidelines to keep your indoor plant healthy for years.

Understand your plants:

Before you start planting, it is vital to know your houseplant identification and care. Different plants have different requirement to grow effectively. For example, cacti require dry soil and direct light whereas ficus tree generally lives on moist soil and indirect light. Make sure you choose a plant that booms on the amount of light you can supply. Healthy plants can easily fight off disease and pests better than the weaker plants.  Chinese evergreen, Peperomia, Grape Ivy and Vine are few low maintenance houseplants, hence they need little care and attention as compared to Hosta, Agave, Bromeliad and Crocosmia.

Basic needs:

  • Water:  Most plants are killed by overwatering. Always aim to keep your plant moist and water accordingly. Check by inserting your finger in the compost. Normal tap water works well with almost all houseplants, but some plants require distilled or rain water. Water less in frosty weather than in summer. Irregular watering can harm your plant’s root system. Majority of plants like moist roots, but not fully wet.
  • Feeding: Most plants grow without feeding, but flowering plants grow best with a weekly dose of liquid nutrients. While moving your plants to bigger pots, adding few grains of fertilizer does miracles but avoid overfeeding.
  • Pruning and Cleaning: Majority of plants are easy to look after. Remove dying leaves and flowers. Dust usually builds up on leaves, so wipe the leaves with piece of cotton doused in water. Houseplant care kit would be a smart choice that meets feeding, cleaning and pruning needs of your plant.
Pest Prevention:  Pest and disease are quickly spread to plants. Before buying, make sure the houseplant is free from insects and pests. Every time you water, check both sides of the leaves for signs of disease and pests. If you suspect so, cut off the leaves or if required remove the plant from the indoor garden. Webbing and yellowing of plants is a symptom of spider mites. They mostly thrive in dry, warm atmosphere. Thus, remove the affected parts and spray around the plant to avoid another outbreak.  Insure to clean and inspect your plant using houseplant care kit on weekly basis.

It is not necessary to be a green thumb to keep your houseplants thriving and healthy. With a little attention to lighting, temperature and watering, your plant will flourish and be a beautiful reminder to your house. 

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