Thursday, November 27, 2014

Are Hydroponically-Grown Vegetables Healthy?

Every time you visit supermarket to buy vegetables, you always find vegetables labeled as hydroponic. But the confusion still exists whether hydroponically grown vegetables are healthier than the conventional grown vegetables. Does the hydroponically grown vegetables are healthier for you? The answer is simple. Here’s why. Hydroponics is the method of growing plants in water filled with nutrients instead of using soil. Hydroponic gardening is a cost effective way of growing large crops indoors in an easy manner. In this, the farmer creates an environment for maximum plant growth. Thus, plants grow faster, healthier and no pollution in the environment. Researchers have found that hydroponically grown vegetables contain more vitamins and minerals and thus they are healthier. The vitamin content was 50% higher than the conventionally grown vegetables.

Health Benefits:
                Hydroponic vegetables are grown in controlled indoor environment thus the gardeners can control the plant growth, soil settings. The gardener control the climate, nutrient levels, lighting, air circulation etc. planting crops that stay disease-free. Eliminating soil, reduces the risk of pests and fungus and hence less use of chemicals, fertilizer, and pesticides. Therefore, the vegetables are free from harmful chemicals caused due to the use of pesticides.  The gardener can control the mineral and nutrient solution in the water and hence by increase the nutrients and minerals in the water, the growing plants can absorb more nutrients and minerals. It eliminates the risk of food-borne illness and offers safety against food poisoning. Hydroponic vegetables are often fresher than the conventional produce. Due to this, they do not lose antioxidants and nutrients.
                In conventional growing method, the farmers use fertilizer to increase the quality of poor soil. But hydroponic method eliminates the use of soil and fertilizer and thus makes it safer to eat. If you choose indoor hydroponic gardening it reduces the risk of salmonella contamination. Salmonella may cause food borne illness or food poison if eaten. Thus, this method makes the vegetables safer and healthier to consume.  Hydroponic vegetables are grown indoors under the beneficial conditions that give you healthy, fresh and delicious produce all year.

                You can grow any vegetables with hydroponics from tomatoes and peppers to cucumber. Just do a little research and start your own hydroponic garden in your backyard. It’s important to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. If you want to try something new and distinct, hydroponics gardening is a great step towards sustaining a healthy lifestyle. You can try different techniques and methods of growing vegetables and fruits hydroponic in any season even in limited space available. A diet rich in vegetables and fruits reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer, and other diseases. Go ahead and add veggies in your plate.

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